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About 2nd Sonata

Immagine del redattore: Nuccio TrottaNuccio Trotta

The environment is liquid, in which the pianist must move by bending the

sound material. There must be strong sounds but not with a violent attack almost as if the piano

were playing immersed in water.

The other component that I consider undeniably connected with which the composition is

permeated is the sensual, erotic one. The eroticism that never leads to vulgarism, on the contrary it

is the necessary element to complete the union between two opposite and complementary beings.

Where the two become One.

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SCRIABIN: Preludes Op.11, Etudes Op.8.

Next 14th of January (7 days after the 150th birth anniversary of our composer) I'll terminate the recording of this cd. Stay tuned.


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